


It’s not a secret that when I find something I like, I really like it. I’m like a puppy with a new toy. I obsessively carry it around with me for days, maybe weeks, until I find a new toy…

Running Frantic

My friend and years-long running partner, Leigh, and I coined a phrase one cold Saturday morning as we ran intervals along the American Tobacco Trail here in North Carolina. We called it “frantic running.” A safe word of sorts, it…

Not Another Hamilton Thinkpiece

I saw Hamilton last week. After two years of singing along with the soundtrack, imagining the set design, and creating my own choreography, I sat in seat 218 of row C at the CIBC Theatre in Chicago as one of…

Book Club: The Wicked City

I’m a recent devotee of Beatriz Williams after falling for the author thanks to Along the Infinite Sea. Since then, I’ve gobbled up her novels as quickly as my library can find them for me. You can read reviews of…

Queued Up For Success

I am my own worst enemy when it comes to projects. Not one for baby steps, my excitement for new projects usually results in the extreme. Take knitting for instance – I decided last November I wanted to knit Kevin…

Book Club: Digging In

You know, I have a hard time admitting I’m wrong, so I’m hoping these Kindle First recommendations are just having a moment and knocking it out of the park because I might not be able to handle it if I’ve…

Advice for Your First Job

It seems like the only reason I use Facebook anymore is to interact with groups. I’m in a group for makers, a book launch group, and most recently, I joined a group started by a blogger I’ve consistently followed for…

Sunday Night Knit Night | no. 6

I’m typing this after 5 p.m. and the sun isn’t disappearing yet. Longer days are almost here. This week brought with it lots of knitting time, but I’m still spreading myself a little too thin when it comes to the…

February Recap

Well that month felt like a whirlwind. I’m sure it didn’t help that we were out of the country for a week during the shortest month of the year. I’ve always had a soft spot for February. It’s my birthday…