Category Words

Book Review: A Certain Age

In my quest to not fail my Goodreads Reading Challenge for the fourth year in a row, I went a little overboard in requesting books from the library. One of those books that I recently hauled the three blocks back…

Discovering Podcasts

When my commute started getting longer, I started questioning how I used my time in the car. I mean I love music, but how many times can one perform a one-woman reproduction of Hamilton: An American Musical before it becomes…

An afternoon on the lake

If Kevin is sitting inside, he’s more than likely looking up boats on Craigslist. That’s one of the many things I’ve learned about him since we moved in together five months ago. If I were a gambling lady, I’d put…


We planted tomatoes in our front yard this spring. Well, not in our yard, but in terra cotta colored plastic planters on our sidewalk in front of our rental house’s bay window. Two Juliet tomato plants and two Roma tomato…

quiet time.

Things have been quiet here on my blog for awhile now. There are several contributing factors, with two tied for first place: planning a wedding and not really laying out a plan for this blog before I started. You know…


Kevin and I have a massive basil plant in the front yard. When we planted it back in June, I was just hoping to keep it alive since North Carolina was already in the middle of a super hot summer.…

Opinion Piece.

My roommate has the ability to be incredibly creative while simultaneously being incredibly intelligent. She demonstrates this most frequently on her own blog, where she writes a post based around a word and its definition. Instead of “nerdy living” she…

The One with the Financial Fast

When I shop, the world gets better, and the world is better, but then it’s not, and I need to do it again. – Rebecca Bloomberg, Confessions of a Shopaholic   For the past few years, my sister and I…

The One with the Floppy Hat

This story involves a floppy white hat. Not the floppy hat that you monogram for your honeymoon vacation – the fisherman, Gilligan from Gilligan’s Island, kind of floppy hat. Got a good picture of it in your mind? Great! Now,…